Optimizing User Sessions For Xenapp 6all About Citrix

HDX caching technology adaptively orchestrates with Citrix Virtual Apps, Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops, and Citrix Workspace to disable the native ICA compression used for optimizing single-user sessions. It then optimizes Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops delivery across multiple user sessions.

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  • Added support for Windows 10 build 2004.
  • Fixed compatibility issue with Microsoft Defender ATP (DiagTrack service).

Changes in Previous Versions

  • Added support for Windows 10 build 1909.
  • Added status reporting to registry.
  • Extended XML and HTML reports.
  • Various fixes.
  • Use TLS 1.2 to access the Citrix Symbol Server.
  • Added template for Windows 10 build 1903.
  • Windows Update is now read-only (WU will be analyzed, but not disabled).
  • Improved templates with support for removal of Mail & Calendar, Cortana, clean up of event logs, disabling hibernation etc.
  • Added unified status reporting.
  • Various improvements to template auto-selection.
  • Fixed various issues with Registry and Services modules.
  • Various improvements to Template Builder.
  • Added support for template signatures.
  • Added ability to disable modes for some groups / entries.


The Citrix Optimizer is a Windows tool to help Citrix administrators optimize various components in their environment, most notably operating system with Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA). The tool is PowerShell based, but also includes a graphical UI.

Citrix Optimizer can run in three different modes:

  • Analyze – analyze the current system against a specified template and display any differences
  • Execute – apply the optimizations from the template
  • Rollback (available in PowerShell mode only) – revert the optimization changes applied previously

WARNING: Rollback is not supported for application removal. Use snapshots to recover removed applications

Optimizing User Sessions For Xenapp 6all About Citrix Free


  • PowerShell v2.0 or higher
  • .NET 4.5.2 or higher


Extract the contents of the zip file to a folder on a VDA. There is no installer required.

How to Use Citrix Optimizer

To use the graphical UI:

1. Double-click the executable CitrixOptimizer.exe to launch the tool.

2. In the initial screen, select the template that you want to use or click 'Browse' to find a template you prefer.

3. Once a template is loaded into UI, check or uncheck the optimization items that you want to apply. Expand the arrow at end of each item to see details.

4. Click on Analyze button to review the current state of your system. This action does not make any changes to your system.

Optimizing User Sessions For Xenapp 6all About Citrix

5. Click on Optimize button to perform the optimization changes. It is recommended to create a backup or snapshot of the virtual machine before applying any changes to the system.

6. Results of the Analysis or Optimization is displayed on the same page.

Optimizing User Sessions For Xenapp 6all About Citrix Software

7. Alternatively Click on 'View results' link to view the HTML report.

To use the command line:

Optimizing User Sessions For Xenapp 6all About Citrix Using

1. Run elevated PowerShell.

2. Use Get-Help .CtxOptimizerEngine.ps1 to see usage examples.

3. Follow the usage examples from step 2 to Analyze, Execute or Rollback optimizations.


Delete the extracted files from the current directory.

Contact Information

Optimizing user sessions for xenapp 6all about citrix softwareOptimizing user sessions for xenapp 6all about citrix downloadOptimizing User Sessions For Xenapp 6all About Citrix

Questions? Concerns? Comments? Send any feedback for this tool to https://podio.com/webforms/18711752/1259018.


These software applications are provided to you as is with no representations, warranties or conditions of any kind. You may use and distribute it at your own risk. CITRIX DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, WRITTEN, ORAL OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you acknowledge and agree that (a) the software application may exhibit errors, design flaws or other problems, possibly resulting in loss of data or damage to property; (b) it may not be possible to make the software application fully functional; and (c) Citrix may, without notice or liability to you, cease to make available the current version and/or any future versions of the software application. In no event should the code be used to support of ultra-hazardous activities, including but not limited to life support or blasting activities. NEITHER CITRIX NOR ITS AFFILIATES OR AGENTS WILL BE LIABLE, UNDER BREACH OF CONTRACT OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY, FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER ARISING FROM USE OF THE SOFTWARE APPLICATION, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION DIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. You agree to indemnify and defend Citrix against any and all claims arising from your use, modification or distribution of the code.