Conspiracy Theory 911

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The conspiracy theory suggests the collapse of the buildings was not solely caused by the plane attacks but also by explosives already installed in the towers. The official report into the tragedy. What the 9/11 truthers and the Lawyers’ Committee have achieved is the destruction of the designation of 9/11 skeptics as “conspiracy theorists.” No US Attorney would convene a grand jury on the basis of a conspiracy theory. Clearly, the evidence is compelling that has put the US Attorney in an unenviable position. Mysteries Conspiracies September marks the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States. There are some however who do not believe the official story of events, shrouding the day in a fog of suspicion and doubt. 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Conspiracy Theory 1: President Bush Was Not Surprised. Many believe that 911 was an inside job and that it was planned from start to finish by the leaders of the United States of America as a way to propel the USA into another war that would benefit America. All over the Internet, debate about the true story of 9/11 ragesin chat rooms, on message boards, and on popular sites such as YouTube, people express conflicting opinions, share information, and examine available evidence. This list is not designed to outline the author’s personal viewpoint – rather, it is meant to detail the most common conspiracy theories related to the events of.

UPDATED: 6:50 a.m. EDT, Sept. 11, 2020 —

On the 19th anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks, conspiracy theories about that fateful date in American history have more than persisted — they’ve thrived.

Many have been recycled over the years, but new ones have arisen, as well, such as the U.S. government supposedly not deploying the military to stop the planes from flying into the Twin Towers so it could justify fighting a foreign war.

Not surprisingly, Donald Trump, before he was president, also got in on the act, claiming that “thousands and thousands of people [in New Jersey] were cheering as that building was coming down.”

That dubious assertion has been shut down with tangible proof, but the following conspiracy theories about what really happened on September 11 are still apparently up for debate. Read on to see.

Original story:

Editor’s note: This story first ran in September 2011.

Many 9/11 conspiracy theories surfaced shortly after the September 11th attacks — some bringing compelling arguments, and some not holding up at all. Theorists believe that the World Trade Center buildings were demolished by bombs, phone calls from the planes were made up, or that former President George W. Bush secretly profited from the attacks.

Here, we compiled a list of the 11 most compelling 9/11 conspiracy theories that exist.

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1. Insider Traders Knew About Attacks Before They Happened

Right before the September 11th attacks, some fishy business happened within the stock market and insurance firms. An “extraordinary” amount of put options were placed on United Airlines and American Airlines stocks, the same airlines that were hijacked during the attacks. Many speculate that traders were tipped off about the attacks and profited from the tragedy. The Securities and Exchange Commission launched an insider trading investigation in which Osama bin Laden was a suspect, after receiving information from at least one Wall Street firm.

2. Air Defense Was Told To ‘Stand Down’

In the event that an airplane is hijacked, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is prepared to send out fighter jets, which can debilitate or shoot down the aircraft. On 9/11/01, NORAD generals said they learned of the hijackings in time to scramble fighter jets. Some skeptics believe NORAD commanded defense systems to “stand down,” because of their lack of presence during the attacks.

3. Planes Didn’t Make Twin Towers Collapse, Bombs Did

The World Trade Center collapse appeared similar to a controlled demolition. Many speculate that the towers were in fact blown down with explosives placed in selected locations. Some witnesses recounted hearing explosions inside the building as they attempted to escape. Many architects and scientists even maintain that a plane’s fuel cannot produce enough heat to melt the steel frames of the two buildings that collapsed.

4. The Pentagon Attack Scientifically Doesn’t Hold Up

The Pentagon crash may be the most puzzling event of the day. Theorists maintain that the impact holes in the Pentagon were much smaller than a commercial American Airlines plane. They also question why the plane was not shot down prior to impact, as well as why the plane impacted a section of the Pentagon that was vacant due to renovations.

5. Flight 93 Was Completely Staged

The fourth hijacked plane, Flight 93, crashed in Shanksville, Penn. It is believed that the passengers fought back and crashed the plane into a field. Skeptics believe that Flight 93 landed safely, while a substitute plane was shot out of the sky. Other theorists believe that the passengers were murdered, or relocated and will never be found.

6. Hijackers Are Alive. How Did Their Passports Survive Explosion?

Conspiracy Theory 911 Documentary

After the September 11th attacks, the “Loose Change” documentary stated that all of the hijackers were actually alive in other countries – rather presumptuous since it is possible for two different people to have identical names. But they did raise a good point; how did the passports of the terrorists survive the explosion? In the aftermath of the attacks, passports and identification were found as evidence. Many skeptics question how identification made out of paper survived the same explosion that destroyed buildings.

7. Cell Phone Calls Made From Plane Were Faked

In-flight calls were made from cell phones in both hijacked airplanes. Scientists and skeptics maintain that cell phones could not receive reception from the altitude at which planes typically fly. Others questioned a phone call from a son to his mother, in which he referred to himself by his own first and last name.

8. Jewish People Knew Attack Was Going To Happen, Took Off Work On September 11th

Theorists noticed that 4,000 Jewish employees took off from work on September 11, 2001. Some of the first people to record the attacks on camera were also Jewish. Many became suspicious and put the religious group on the radar as suspects in the wake of the attack.

9. Black Boxes Found By Search Crew Kept Secret

During the weeks following the attack, the planes’ black boxes were one of the most important items under investigation. They were the only evidence into what happened inside the cockpits of the plane. Three of four black boxes were found and only one was in good enough condition to hear. The tape was not initially released, but was shared with families of the victims in 2002. Skeptics believe the tapes were not disclosed in order to support a secret scheme.

10. The Bin Laden Tapes Are Fake

Initially, Osama bin Laden denied any involvement with the attacks. Soon afterward, numerous tapes came out claiming he changed his mind and took full responsibility. Many skeptics believe that Bin Laden was targeted because of his stake in the stock market, as well as because of former President George W. Bush’s personal business ventures in the Middle East.

11. Aluminum Planes Can’t Penetrate Steel Structure Of World Trade Center

Commercial airplanes’ frames are constructed with a very light aluminum material in order to make it easier to fly. Theorists maintain there is no possible way an airplane can do as much damage to the Twin Towers as it did. They believe that missiles or explosives were used to ensure the buildings collapsed.

Fourteen years after the attack, we may never know the entire story – but we will always remember the people we lost on that tragic day.



  • The QAnon conspiracy theory has exploded since it began in the fall of 2017.
  • It’s come under renewed attack, as Twitter banned thousands of accounts associated with the following.
  • Many people still don’t know what this theory purports. We did a deep-dive. Here are the shocking results.

The first claim ever made in the QAnon saga was irrefutably false.

On October 28th, 2017, a cocksure, anonymous message board user claimed that Hillary Clinton would be arrested in two days.

Roughly 1,000 days have passed…and still nothing.

That hasn’t stopped “Q” from gaining a religious following.

Despite Twitter’s best attempts, the web of believers sprawls somewhere in the millions. At least that’s what Chrissy Teigen will tell you.

She was recently attacked on Twitter by QAnon supporters, who accused her of eating children.

No, that’s not a typo.

According to Teigen, she blocked over one million accounts in an attempt to slow the attacks.

Who are these people? What do they want? What is the message of the person, or people, known as “Q”?

Here are five tentpole beliefs that prop up this wild conspiracy theory.

Five Major Claims Of QAnon

QAnon isn’t the first conspiracy theory, but it might be the largest. Most of the other conspiracy theories you know (faked moon landing, 9/11, JFK) are all encapsulated by QAnon.

That’s because ‘Q’ claims that everyone is in on the game. The government, the media, Hollywood, the education industry, the health care industry, and probably your grandma are working in cahoots to exploit you—the average citizen.

Here are five of its central beliefs.

1) An Evil Cult Is Ruling the Planet

This claim isn’t exactly new to QAnon. Conspiracies about a ruling-class of evil elites, aka the Illuminati, have been around for decades.

The infamous Rothschilds are often included in these theories. Q is no exception.

Theories about the Rothschilds are likely how celebrities like Nick Cannon have justified their recent streak of unbounded antisemitism.

Q claims that Epstein’s island was not only a sex trafficking ring but also housed a satanic cult where humans were sacrificed. It argues that this cult engages in the blood-letting of children. And it claims that many of our leaders and celebrities are involved — sometimes even models who like to share recipes for rice pudding.

QAnon claimed “symbolism will be their downfall,” in a post allegedly depicting the Clintons wearing satanic crosses.

2) Donald Trump Is an American Hero

Hillary Clinton is not a good person? Believable. Satanic cults? Possibly. But here’s where the conspiracy becomes too much to stomach.

According to QAnon, when Donald Trump claimed he would “drain the swamp,” he was referring to the evil pedophiles who run the world.

As Q puts it,


This was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players.

That’s right. The man we all heard say that you should just grab women by their private parts is here to save us from the demented sex offenders.

What’s not clear is how Q reconciles the relationship between its greatest hero (Trump) and one of its biggest villains (Jeffrey Epstein).

3) The Democratic Party Has Sinister Intentions

According to QAnon, the Democrats are significant players in the conspiracy against America. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, they’re all secretly working to hold down the black population.

Q claims that Black Lives Matter is a front to fund Joe Biden. It claims that Democrats formed the KKK and the confederate states.

Q makes many claims about Barack Obama, including the idea that he armed North Korea with nuclear weapons, and that he is, no joke, Satan.

Oh, and the entire party is controlled by foreign, anti-American powers.

4) They Want Us Divided

A major rallying point of this conspiracy is that Q’s followers are “united” and “growing.” They are all part of the “Great Awakening,” which is inevitable.

5) The Patriots Are in Control

Q is so confident and so “well-informed” because it’s a “military entity,” allegedly comprised of high-ranking officers.

Massive amounts of irrefutable evidence await the criminals who try to evade their reckoning in court.

The site also claims that the “patriots” are in control, adding,

911 Conspiracy Videos

And no legal tricks can help the criminals escape the ultimate judgment of public disgust.

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory 911

If Q’s claims have any validity, we will be repulsed indeed. But until then, the Trump-loving, Teigen-bashing group of message board fanatics are the ones causing most of the disgust.

Disclaimer: The opinions in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of