Homeless Bird Unitmrs. Parker's 6th Grade L.a. Class

  1. Homeless Bird Unitmrs. Parker's 6th Grade L.a. Classroom
  2. Homeless Bird Unitmrs. Parker's 6th Grade L.a. Class Submarine
  3. Homeless Bird Unitmrs. Parker's 6th Grade L.a. Classes
Homeless bird unitmrs. parkerHomeless Bird Unitmrs. Parker

Homeless Bird Unitmrs. Parker's 6th Grade L.a. Classroom

Homeless Bird Unitmrs. ParkerHomeless bird unitmrs. parker

Homeless Bird Unitmrs. Parker's 6th Grade L.a. Class Submarine

CCSU Lesson Plan Template Student Teacher: Sarah Schoenborn Grade Level: 5 Lesson Date: 10/22/15 Name of Lesson: Homeless Bird Lesson 2, Compare and contrast your cultures, traditions etc.. to common customs in India.
Common Core State Standard(s) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.5.1 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. HIST 5.2 Compare life in specific historical periods to life today. GEO 5.2 Explain how culture influences the way people modify and adapt to their environments.
Student Learning Objective(s) Students will be able to draw specific quotes from the book Homeless Bird and use them to describe how their lives are similar or different from Koly’s life. The student’s will be able to identify at least 5 specific examples of how traditional cultures, religion and customs differ between their lives in the United States and those who live in India.
lesson’s objective. This lesson will allow students to practice accurately quoting texts. Also the lesson will teach the students to compare their lives and cultures to past historical periods as well as to other countries cultures, religions and customs.
Assessment The student’s will create thinglinks to represent 3 aspects of their life that are representative of their family’s cultures, customs, traditions etc.. They will also include3 aspects from the Indian culture that are either similar or different from their own that they chose. The students will also create wordle’s using words from at least three quotes from the book, that they will then share with the rest of the class.
Instructional Model/Strategy This lesson will begin by having the students watch the powtoon presentation about India that the teacher has created. The teacher will also provide a brief mini lesson on how to use Thinglink and Wordle. The students will then get into small groups and begin researching online facts about Indian culture, traditions, customs, religions etc.. The students will create a master list of the facts they have gathered (at least ten per group) on the Smartboard. Then the students will pick a comfortable spot in the room and individually create (using either an ipad or a computer) a thinglink that has pictures of 3 things that represent their lives and 3 things that represent traditional aspects of Indian culture. The students will also create a wordle that is made up of 1
quotes from the book that describe aspects of Koly’s life. Students must use at least 3 quotes from the book in their wordle. The students will then resume as a whole group and each student will present their thinglink and worlde to the class.
Materials/Resources needed for this lesson     
Smartboard Ipads/computers Copies of Homeless Bird Wordle - http://www.wordle.net Thinglink- https://www.thinglink.com/action/imageUpload
Daily formative assessment: The teacher will walk around as the students are researching facts about pulling quotes of the text to see that they are using proper citation. The teacher will also assess their knowledge of the book, and their research, by reviewing their thinglinks and their wordles.
Differentiating Instruction: Students will work in pairs to collect research on India. The teacher will walk around and provide scaffolded instruction on how to properly cite websites and the text. Then the teacher will walk around and help students when they are creating their thinglinks and their wordles.
Initiation: The teacher will start the lesson by having students watch a brief Powtoon presentation about 5 facts on Indian culture. Then the teacher will describe the activities the students will take part in and the assignments they must complete. The teacher will then display an example of a Wordle and a Thinglink on the board. The teacher will also give a brief mini lesson on how to use Thinglink and Wordle.
Lesson Development: The teacher will begin the lesson by showing the students the Powtoon presentation on India. Then the teacher will conduct a brief mini lesson on using Thinglink and Wordle. The teacher will then have the students break up into small groups and research facts about Indian culture, tradition, religion etc.. Once the students have compiled a list of at least 10 facts they will resume as a whole group and create a mast list of all the facts on the Smartboard. Then the teacher will have the students work individually (using and Ipad or computer) to create a Thinglink with 3 aspects that represent their culture and 3 aspects that represent Indian culture. They will also create a Wordles using words from at least 3 quotes from the text that describe aspects of Koly’s life. The students will then re convene as a whole group and present their Thinglinks and Wordles to the class.
Closure: Once the students have created their Thinglinks and Wordles they will present them 2
to the whole class. After the whole class has presented their projects the class will engage in a brief discussion about the common similarities and differences they noticed in everyone’s presentations. Tech resources: Wordle- http://www.wordle.net
Thinglink- https://www.thinglink.com/scene/713424898734686209 Powtoon- http://www.powtoon.com/m/dw2GpRyx3y2/1/

Homeless Bird Unitmrs. Parker's 6th Grade L.a. Classes

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  1. Summary of Homeless Bird. Thirteen-year-old Koly, a talented embroidery artist living in modern day India, must leave her struggling family with only precious silver earrings from her mother as a dowry to marry a man she has never met.
  2. Discover recipes, home ideas, style inspiration and other ideas to try.